
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Another potential discovery - Katherine Liddy

Katherine Liddy was one of the poets in "AUP New Poets 3" put out in 2008. The book was reviewed by Tim Jones in his blog.

Liddy caught my eye when browsing this book in Unity High Street as iambic pentameter stands out as a certain shape of text chunks on the white page (a quick and dirty way to locate it, provided there aren't too many breaks). Again haven't read properly, just noted here to follow up later.

Tim Jones notes most poems in this book were end-rhymed, so not actually blank verse, though I'm sure she could write blank verse without much change of stride. I wonder if she has...

David Beach's prose sonnets

David Beach calls his works "prose sonnets"... an example published in Trout 15. Other poems can be viewed via his NZETC page.

They appear to be, from a brief scan, rough and dirty iambic pentameter (with plenty of elisions, additional syllables, and substitutions). Perhaps too many variations to qualify strictly, but definitely an interesting read.

He has a couple of collections out - "Abandoned Novel" (2006) and "The End of Atlantic City" (2008).

I haven't read either of these, just a couple of individual poems here and there, so not offering an opinion. This is a placemarker - one to come back to later with greater attention.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Purpose of this blog

The purpose of this blog is to discuss all things poetic - poets, poetry, meter, rhythm and form, with an emphasis on blank verse (iambic pentameter), and New Zealand poetry. To store useful links in context with my own notes and quotes. To think about, make coherent, and publish my own thoughts on poetry.